New Data Show Avoiding Vaccinations During Pregnancy Is a Riskier Choice

COVID vaccines have always been an option for anyone who is pregnant or considering pregnancy, as well as those who are breastfeeding. But at first there was not enough data, and pregnant people were on their own to decide whether to get vaccinated or not. Numerous studies show that the benefits of getting vaccinated during pregnancy outweigh the risks.

The CDC has released a compilation of data on people who received the vaccine before or during pregnancy, or who were breastfeeding. These are all points in one direction: vaccines are safe, and not getting the COVID vaccine is the riskier choice.

COVID vaccines do not cause increased risk of miscarriage

According to one recently published study, miscarriages were no more common in people who received the vaccine than in the general population. The researchers followed 2,500 people who received Pfizer or Moderna vaccines before pregnancy or in the first 20 weeks. 13% had a miscarriage; The CDC reports that typically 11-16% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

No Concerns About Monitoring Pregnancy Data

The CDC monitors pregnancy outcomes from multiple sources , and they noted that so far, “they have not found any safety concerns for pregnant women who receive vaccines in late pregnancy or their babies.” (The previously mentioned miscarriage study looked at people vaccinated early in pregnancy.)

This study involved over 35,000 people and found rates of pregnancy loss, preterm labor and low birth weight were comparable to rates found in pre-COVID studies. In other words, there was no direct control group for this study or miscarriage study (it would be unethical to refuse the vaccine for the sake of the study), but the data supports the idea that vaccinated people are as likely as unvaccinated people to have healthy pregnancies.

Vaccinations Can Protect Your Baby Even After Birth

Another important study is a study that looked at the effectiveness of the vaccine in pregnant women. (Remember, people were excluded from the initial vaccine trials if they were pregnant.) Not only was the vaccine effective, as you’d expect, but babies retained some antibodies against the COVID virus after birth.

This type of immunity is known from other vaccines and this is the reason the pertussis vaccine (TDaP) is recommended every pregnancy , even if you, as a pregnant person, are aware of your vaccinations – your baby clings to some of these vaccines. antibodies for several months.

Although there is still not much information about the vaccine and specifically about breastfeeding, there is some evidence that antibodies against COVID may be present in breast milk. The vaccine is considered safe for nursing people and their babies.

COVID is more of a risk than a shot

It’s wise to avoid anything potentially dangerous during pregnancy. This is why people often refuse medications and procedures that can wait until delivery. But in the case of the COVID vaccine, the choice is not between the vaccine and nothing at all; it’s between a vaccine and a potential COVID infection.

People who are pregnant or have recently become pregnant are at increased risk of serious illness (including hospitalization and death) if they do indeed become infected with COVID. People who become infected with COVID are also at greater risk of having a premature birth or having a baby with poorer health outcomes compared to people who are not infected with the virus.

For these reasons, the CDC now agrees with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine that they urge pregnant women to get the vaccine.

You can read the full CDC guidelines for pregnant, planning, or breastfeeding women . If you have any further questions about the safety of vaccines during pregnancy, talk with your regular doctor or healthcare provider. The CDC also recommends contacting MotherToBaby , who will answer questions by phone or email in English or Spanish.


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