You Can Shrink Your Shriveled Clothes

Once you take your baby-sized shirt out of the dryer, you can discard it like a new cleaning rag. Fortunately, there is a good chance you can salvage your shriveled clothes – the process takes about an hour, and all you need is some home remedies for hair and a towel. Here’s how to liven up a random crop top from shrinkage.

How can I unbutton my clothes?

Of course, wrinkling clothes does not happen by magic: when your clothes get wet, they fill with water and expand the threads, and as soon as they are placed in the dryer, the fabric threads begin to curl and dry more than they were before they went. in the wash. Expansion and contraction converts a regular size shirt into a cropped top. The best way to reverse the process is to loosen the fabric and stretch the twisted threads.

You can loosen up a cotton garment , but there are ways to loosen up any fabric or blend . I recently soaked a shirt in conditioner and then squeezed and stretched slightly to form a shape.

Here’s what you need:

  • Bucket
  • Conditioner or baby shampoo
  • Warm water
  • Large towel

How to get shriveled clothes back in shape

First fill a bucket with warm water, then use hair conditioner (preferably rinse as leave-in conditioner can leave too many marks). You can also use baby shampoo for extra gentleness.

TikToker Armen Adamyan recommends his creative_explained channel to use one cup of conditioner, but I found it to be too much and ended up using about two-thirds of the cup … which still felt overwhelming. After all, I would recommend just half a glass with a full bucket of water to keep your clothes from getting slimy. Add conditioner, then beat with a whisk or similar until it turns cloudy white. Dip the garment in the solution, gently massaging and squeezing the water through the fabric, then let the garment absorb for 30 minutes.

After soaking, take it out of the bucket, but don’t rinse it out completely (although I did wash off any excess conditioner and it was fine). Gently squeeze out the water as you pull the item out of the bucket, but do not squeeze it out as curling is likely to result in some rather poorly deformed clothes. Instead, squeeze out as much water as possible and then lay the garment on a dry towel. Roll the garment up in a towel, pressing down as hard as possible to remove excess water.

The fabric should then feel damp, but not soaked. Then you can gently stretch the fabric to mimic its original shape and size and lay it on another towel to dry. To prevent the fabric from curling back up, feel free to place heavier items, such as books or paperweights, on your clothing to keep it taut. It will dry out when unfolded (or at least to a much lesser extent), and if you’re lucky, you can put on your favorite shirt again.


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