25 Best First Films in Cinema History

It takes a rare artistic genius to create a masterpiece on the first try. Whichever art form we talk about, there is nothing wrong with fumbling in the dark in search of greatness. Of course, cinema is no different – the careers of many of the most respected filmmakers in history resemble a bell curve: they start with works that showcase unfulfilled promises, progress to something approaching greatness, and then fade a little like the spark that ignited them. starts to run out of steam early.

But not everyone is waiting to make a classic. Some directors, thanks to a rare combination of luck and talent, have achieved gold in a grand chair for the first time. These 25 memorable debut films aren’t necessarily the best work of their directors (although they are absolutely accurate in some cases), but they each demonstrate ample proof that their helmsmen have what they need. For some of these directors, their first films turned out to be their only footage, while others built long careers thanks to a good start. However, the most interesting names here are those who are just starting to work. If you prefer to scroll your slideshow on one page on your desktop, just narrow your browser window.


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