Add Fried Bread Crumbs to Vegan Pasta

Nothing completes a plate of pasta like grated parmesan or pecorino, unless you’re a vegan. There are probably good vegan hard cheeses out there somewhere, but I have yet to find a brand or recipe that comes close to the real thing. Rather than splurging on losing contender after contender for dinner, I gave up and instead started putting fried bread crumbs on top of my pasta.

This is by no means an innovative method. Southern Italians have been adding seasoned breadcrumbs to their pasta for so long that they have a word for it: Pangrattato. A sprinkle of crunchy toasted pangrattato enhances the texture and flavor of just about any pasta dish, and is much cheaper than a wedge of Parmesan, vegan, or other dish. You will never mistake bread crumbs for hard cheese, but in reality it is not. But both the cheese and the breadcrumbs are salty and tasty, with enough texture to contrast with the pasta – what more do you want?

My pangrattato situation is mostly garlic bread in the form of bread crumbs: a light crunchy panko fried in olive oil with granulated garlic, Cavender’s seasoning (which consists only of garlic salt, oregano and black pepper) and fresh herbs. It is savory, crispy and slightly greasy, with a few hints of green for balance. I think this is the perfect seasoning for pasta. To make it you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons – 1/4 cup olive oil (depending on how greasy you want it)
  • 1/2 cup bread crumbs, preferably panko
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • All-Purpose Greek Cavender Seasoning To Taste
  • Salt and pepper for flavor
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh herbs, usually a mixture of parsley and green onions

Heat oil in a skillet on a medium to low level, add bread crumbs and dry seasonings, and stir constantly until golden brown and lightly browned. Remove from heat and add fresh herbs. That’s all. (You can store leftover food in an airtight container at room temperature for 2 or 3 days; just reheat it in a dry skillet over low heat until crisp again.)

This flavor profile, adhering to garlic bread, pairs perfectly with any Italian or Italian-American dish, even if it’s just spaghetti and marinara in a jar. But don’t limit yourself to pasta: I recently made Smitten Kitchen Pizza Beans with a thick layer of pangratato instead of mozzarella, and honestly, I think I liked it better. It’s a different dish without cheese, but the combination of red sauce, buttery beans, and crispy, garlic, and salty bread crumbs is equally satisfying in its own way.

Feel free to tinker with the seasonings to your liking – that’s half the fun. Crushed red pepper flakes are always welcome, and if you’re craving for a more real cheesy flavor add some nutritional yeast or even some miso paste. You won’t end up with a parmesan or a pecorino clone, but you will find an infinitely versatile new topping pasta that is just as valuable.


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