Why You Shouldn’t Expect Chlorophyll Water to Help Get Rid of Acne

Chlorophyll water is a fast-growing trend on TikTok, with influencers raising a green glass to the camera, showing off their acne-free skin. But there is no science to back up claims that it is uniquely good for the skin.

What is Chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a molecule in plants that absorbs red or blue light, triggering a series of chemical reactions that lead to photosynthesis. It reflects green light, which is why many plants appear green. You can read about this in any biology textbook.

Chlorophyll waters and extracts that you can buy as supplements containchlorophyllin , a form of a molecule that has been chemically altered to dissolve in water.

What does it do?

According to science, not much. Several studies have shown that it reduces urine odor in people with urinary incontinence. It is also combined with other ingredients in an ointment for slow-healing wounds. The Linus Pauling Institute says it is investigating its possible role in preventing cancer associated with exposure to aflatoxin, a carcinogen found in certain types of mold that can be present in trace amounts in foods.

There is no evidence that it will help with acne. Dermatologist Hadley King told Refinery29 that research shows chlorophyll may have anti-inflammatory effects when applied topically. In one study, chlorophyll from fresh leaves ( not the chlorophyll tinctures you can buy) helped paw swelling ( not pimples) in mice and rats ( not humans).

So why do people think it will help with acne?

So, here’s a big game of connecting the dots. Chlorophyllin in “chlorophyll water” is like chlorophyll. In the laboratory, chlorophyll has been shown to act as an antioxidant (that is, it can neutralize certain chemical reactions). Antioxidants that occur naturally in our body are important in regulating and reducing inflammation. Several types of acne are associated with inflammation. So, taking a few logical steps, we can build a plausible claim that perhaps chlorophyll water can reduce acne, or at least make it less inflamed.

How can this hypothesis be tested? Well, no need to test – just go to TikTok, pose with green juice and shoot a video with before and after photos. Browsing through some of the recent TikToks tagged with #chlorophyllwater, I found a few clips that gave the impression that the influencer improved his skin by drinking this stuff.

But recent reports have included one person whose acne worsened after she began documenting her habit of taking chlorophyll water; one doctor who supports the idea of ​​using chlorophyll water to treat inflammation but says smoothies and salads would be better choices; and a man with compelling before and after shots, but other videos show her battling her pimples with various other products, as well as hiding them with makeup.

Appearances are deceptive. If you want to try drinking water with chlorophyll, in small doses it probably won’t hurt. (Large doses, according to some influencers, can cause gastrointestinal upset.) But if you’re looking for a way to reduce acne, check out our evidence-based skincare primer and consider seeing a dermatologist.


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