Submit Photos of Your Dog Drinking Beer to Earn $ 20,000

The latest viral marketing ploy of the brewing industry is to promote your supposedly unemployed dog to a senior management position as the next tasting director of Busch Dog Brew.

That’s right, prepare your dog’s resume and possibly bathe him , because the merit of this position will be solely determined by the attractiveness of your photos posted on social media. $ 20,000 is offered, so this is your dog’s chance to finally help with paying off a mortgage or paying for a car. This is how the competition works and how you can finally get your dog the paid position (with benefits!) That you think he deserves.

Your dog, head

Busch makes cheap beer, but it also entered the dog food market last summer when it first developed a new kind of non-alcoholic drink for dogs. The debut craze Busch Dog Brew is just bone broth meant to give your dog a treat while you’re supposedly drinking real beer – has become a boon to the brewer, so he brought it back for the summer. The company says its broth is good for your dog’s digestive health, but it also comes in cans that resemble real beer, so be sure to read the label before opening one.

To assign your newly hired dog to the role of Master Taster, simply post a photo of your dog, along with its qualifications, to any social media platform with the hashtag #BuschCTOcontest before April 28, 11:59:59 pm ET. …

The responsibilities in this position are more in line with those of an influencer (or, with a forward-looking apology, a dog lover) because the puppy will be the public face of Busch Dog Brew on the Internet. Your dog’s hard work will be paid an annual salary of $ 20,000 in addition to pet health insurance. The treatment of dogs with an exquisite palette and a penchant for gastronomy is encouraged.

That’s the whole competition. Once your dog is chosen, it will have a great responsibility to bring dog bone broth to bold new frontiers. Claim any amount of your dog’s $ 20,000 salary as a seeker reward.


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