It’s Time to Embrace the “clothes Chair”

Every home has at least one chair that no one can sit on because it is piled high with clothes. Irritating to the eyes aside , the dreaded dressing chair is completely harmless, but for many people it is a huge source of shame.

This has to change.

The dressing chair isn’t shameful at all, and when used strategically, it can really make your life easier.

As almost everyone learned last year, working from home can simplify your day-to-day fashion , to put it beautifully. The clothing chair was created for this very moment. When you only have a business suit and a night suit in your wardrobe, having both suits on hand is incredibly convenient. Instead of rummaging through drawers or closets, you can simply grab something from your clothes chair and hit the road. For me personally, it was a salvation, because the door of my 110-year-old closet cannot be locked; if I want to get something out of it, I have to rearrange the weight that keeps the door closed. It’s not an impossible task, but it is much more annoying than getting something off the back of a chair.

You don’t have to work from home to evaluate a suitable clothing chair. It’s the perfect middle spot for clothes that aren’t clean enough to be returned to their freshly washed friends, but not dirty enough for a basket . Anything you wear multiple times between washes – like jeans, hoodies, overalls , pajama pants, and bathrobes – belongs to the chair. When you dress the next morning, half of your outfit is already taken off and ready to go. I mostly wear jeans with alternating tees, soccer jerseys and jackets, so the chair fits me perfectly. If your clothing matches a similar pattern, it will suit you too.

Like any other landing zone, a clothes chair can quickly turn into chaos. To avoid clutter, watch what you actually wear and put away everything else. The idea is to keep essentials ready, not to create a graveyard for dirty laundry. If you notice him sliding into the graveyard grounds, this is your signal to edit.


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