How to Enjoy Your Vacation Alone

Holidays are usually a time to get together with your family, return to the joys of your hometown and celebrate your friends’ birthday . But this year, the coronavirus is a guest we did not plan, and we certainly don’t want to invite to our homes. There are many reasons why large family gatherings should not be held this year, and why traveling to your hometown is not a good idea. It’s time to face the truth: you may be spending your holidays alone.

After a long summer of social distancing, it can be difficult to face even greater isolation while on vacation. In an article published by Cedars Sinai , clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Vetter notes: “Feelings of isolation and loneliness also tend to increase during the holidays, especially in those who have recently lost a loved one or those who do not have strong emotions. a network of friends and family. ” Fortunately, there are ways to alleviate this feeling of loneliness during the holiday season, even when you’re alone.

Get up and move

The National Institute of Aging (NIH) states that the best way to “ fight loneliness and isolation ” is through exercise. Sure, going to your local gym this holiday season isn’t usually safe, but use your favorite workout apps or try a new online workout to get motivated. Getting outside for a walk or hike can be especially helpful when you combine exercise with mindfulness.

Another way to work out (and have fun) is to attend a digital dance party. At the onset of the pandemic, virtual clubs became immensely popular, starting with DJs like D-Nice streaming live on Instagram. Now there are several ways to dance the night away from home. Esquire has compiled a list of digital nightclubs and DJs to keep you on track.

I sit at home for a friend

If you can, sit at home on an empty place of a friend. They don’t use it, and they may have a coffee maker or a more comfortable sofa than yours. If they agree, clean and disinfect their apartment upon arrival and after leaving – a change of scenery is a win for you, a clean house is for them. When it comes to travel, Elaine Rodino, Ph.D., says they “take the traditional holiday mindset out of you” in an article for PsychCentral . Who said you have to travel far?


If you have friends or family but just can’t meet them in person, find creative ways to spend your time online. It takes some organization to do this, but plan a digital secret Santa . You can use online naming apps and use different gift registries like Giftster so that your secret Santa Claus can choose gifts. Plenty of sites offer gift wrapping and items can be sent directly to your designated person. Then schedule a time when you can all open the gifts online together. Not only do you hang out with your friends, but you also have fun, and you can feel good about doing good to others.

Julianne Holt-Lunstad, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University, said at the Aspen Festival of Ideas session on ” The Epidemic of Loneliness “: “… connecting with other people is a biological need, and it is tied to the idea of ​​being. part of the group is adapting to survival. ” We’re all in survival mode now. While this mode requires us to have no more than 10 people at a time this year, organizing a gift exchange can be a great way to feel connected with friends and family.

If organizing a gift exchange is too difficult, just call a friend or plan to cook or bake together.

Offer to sit down for friends who are traveling

Speaking of friends, what better friend than a fluffy puppy? The NIH notes that along with exercise, “animals can be a source of comfort, as well as reduce stress and blood pressure.” I can attest to this because my late Chihuahua Tina helped me overcome many difficulties. As soon as the pandemic broke out , I started dreaming of going for a walk with two new Cavapoos (this is, of course , a mixture of the Cavalier King Charles and a poodle ).

If you don’t have a pet or were unable to adopt one in the midst of a pandemic pet craze , consider offering a pet for a friend who may be out of town on vacation. Another win-win: you get company, they get the help they need. Or, if you’re still dreaming of having your own puppy or kitten, see if foster care is right for you.

Plan your time with yourself

Make a schedule like any other holiday where you can juggle with family and friends, only this time it’s completely for you. Have a movie night where you and Lucky (your new puppy) have popcorn and holiday specialties. Or go to the car cinema . Bake some holiday cookies, or finally try making that sweet potato pie you’ve always dreamed of. Pamper yourself.

Plan questions about how you spent your vacation

When the season comes to an end and those who have seen the family ask what you did, do not try to make it sound bigger than it was. It’s okay to say “nothing”. You don’t have to match their energy. Show them pictures of the knitting you’ve done, or share your workout assignment. Most people get stressed out when they celebrate with their family and may even envy your humble celebration. Taking care of themselves is contagious, and they may like the idea of ​​taking time out for themselves on the holidays.

According to the 2018 US Census , there were “35.7 million one-person households, or 28 percent of all households.” If you feel like you want to talk about it in a certain way, there is a whole community for you. The Loneliness Project is an online platform where you can read about people’s experiences and share your own. You can even submit anonymously if you like. While you can spend your vacation alone, you are definitely not alone.


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