Lie to Your Children About Their Lies

I usually don’t like taking the easy path of parenting, such as cheating or lying to my kids. Also, I don’t think you’re teaching your children not to do what you don’t want by doing it yourself. Like, I don’t think yelling at a kid teaches them that yelling isn’t cool. (I’m not saying I never scream; I’m saying that when I do, I am showing my child a rather pathetic example of how to deal with disappointment or anger.) Likewise, I usually say this Lying to a child about their lies is wrong. path.

But now is the Wicked Week and sometimes the parents need to have a little fun. Our children are only small and gullible for so long! In the end, you will yearn for the days when your children believed every fantastic word that came out of your mouth, simply because they considered you the highest authority in absolutely everything. It is only a matter of time before you fall from the status of the Knower of All Things to the Absolute idiot. This is why I think you should tell your child that his obvious lie is written on his forehead.

If you have never tried this, the result will be not only effective but also delightful. When they all: “But Mommy, I don’t know who made this giant mess when toilet paper was scattered all over the second floor of our house! It was not me, “- it’s time to answer:” You know, when you lie, I see how your lie is written on your forehead. “

Will it make them stop lying? Of course not! Instead, he will force them to cover their foreheads with their hand with the most obvious “gesture” in the world. This is better thanattacking them with all of Pinocchio and trying to convince them that their nose will grow out for muttering lies. They may touch their nose or run to look in the mirror for the first time, but they will quickly catch you when the cartilage stays in place.

Lies on the forehead, on the other hand, are not immediately visible or felt and, of course, can disappear or wear off rather quickly when they hit themselves in the face in despair. They may even enter a room with a hand on their foreheads or with their hat pulled down low in preparation for the lie they are about to tell.

Continue to do this until they fall for it, or use your lies as a way to start talking to them about the difference between truth, lies and “pretending”, which is fully consistent with their development.


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