Make Last Minute Election Donations With This Panic Decisions Matrix

Election Day is a week after tomorrow, which means we are in the final stages of a campaign for national, state and local offices. No matter how promising polls look like, we learned our lesson about them in 2016 to the point that seeing your preferred candidate ahead of the polls can heighten your anxiety . Maybe you feel helpless, as if it has come to the point that there is nothing to do.

If so, and you want somethinganything – you could do right now, and on the condition that you have for this financial situation is not too late to make a significant donation. But not all political donations are the same, and you don’t want to spend your hard-earned money on a campaign that’s already going well, or a region that almost always votes a certain way. Here is a matrix of panic decisions that might help.

How to decide where to donate at the last minute before an election

If you’re looking to make a political donation next week but don’t want to do any research, Maciej Ceglowski , who runs the Pinboard bookmarking site and a political organization called Tech Solidarity , can help . He has compiled a matrix of panic decisions to help people decide where their last-minute political donations will generate the most profit.

It’s pretty simple: just answer a few questions about exactly what you want to achieve with your donation (like helping the most needy candidates or focusing on a specific state) and it will guide you to the places where your donation will be most effective. … And yes, that includes a lot of races for state positions.

If it is to be federal, there are five campaigns for rural homes that may need some help. And if you insist on donating to the Biden / Harris campaign, Ceglowski advises donating to state candidates in Pennsylvania , Florida, and North Carolina . You can read more about his thoughts on political giving in this much more detailed blog post .

Ultimately, Tseglowski urges people not to spend too much time worrying about where to donate, but just get the money there: “Remember the dictum about avoiding analytic paralysis,” he wrote on his blog . “Just pick one and go!”


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