What to Do If You Are Tired of Home Workout

It’s been over six months since the gyms first closed, and if you still haven’t returned, you’re probably already tired of push-ups and workout instructors on YouTube. Maybe you’ve already fallen off the cart and are wondering how you can motivate yourself to climb up again.

Here are some tips for finding a workout you like again or for a workout you don’t like:

Question your motivation

If you are feeling unmotivated, it is worth taking a moment to ask yourself what kind of motivation you want. I would argue that there are three main ways that people (successfully) continue to exercise every day. Which one suits you best?

  • You love every minute of your workout.
  • You see exercise as “brushing your teeth,” a kind of routine work that should be done as a vital function.
  • You have an end goal or a goal that requires training.

Sometimes we feel lost or burned out because our motivation has changed. You may have liked the inspiring, friendly atmosphere of your favorite workout activity, but the same exercises at home have nothing to do with it. Instead of feeling hopeless that you can’t keep exercising fun anymore, what if you tried a different type of motivation? Choose a goal and find a program that will help you. Or give yourself a literal gold star every time you do your morning push-ups.

To reduce the time

If you’re doing long workouts that you hate, cut them up or turn them into something more delicious. Make only half of the workout video, and in the evening, decide if you’re ready to do the other half. Take three short walks instead of one long run. Discover the world of micro training .

Buy a new toy

If you’re stuck at home, chances are you’ll at least save a few dollars on your gym membership. Training equipment is finally more affordable , although it still takes a little time and dedication to get what you want.

So let’s start looking. It’s not hard to find things as simple as sandbags and resistance bands; Kettlebells and barbells are still in high demand, but if you look closely, they are already there. Even if you have to wait weeks or months to receive something already ordered, you will have something to count on.

You may not have thought that you needed a kettlebell at the beginning of the quarantine, but it will be great again, finally, to work with a heavy (too) weight if all you did was exercise with your own weight. Or maybe bodyweight exercises were fun, but you can’t do certain movements without buying a couple of rings and finding a place to hang them. New equipment can restore the training capabilities you were missing.

Learn a new skill

Even if you can’t get new equipment, you can still learn workouts that will take you in a different direction. Maybe now is the time to start learning about pistol squats or handstands. Maybe you can recreate a new dance every day on TikTok. Maybe it’s time to learn how to ride a bike or learn some jumping rope tricks .

Strengthen your weak points

Rather than just trying to keep fit or prevent a rollback, ask yourself what you have neglected, what you could improve. If you train with weights and joke that cardio is more than ten reps, just imagine how much better you could perform if you were actually doing cardio .

Or maybe you are one of those runners who constantly hear that you should do strength and mobility training to maintain your run, but you are too busy. Well, it’s about time.

Find a new place

If you’ve been exercising in the living room, remember that you can change your surroundings. I assume that if you have a spare room or garage, you’ve already considered working there, but what other options might you have? Do you have access to an office or studio away from home? There are even people who stuff the trunk with exercise machines and take it to an abandoned parking lot.

What makes your workout more fun will differ from person to person; maybe you need to change your daily routine a little, or maybe you need a completely different sport with new goals. And if you keep in touch with your training friends from Before Times, ask what they did. They may have suggestions – or they may want to be your accountability friend.


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