16 Tech Gadgets I Always Keep on (or On) My Desk

The geek desk may not be as flamboyant as the spice rack , but I am proud of all the tech equipment I have acquired over the years. While your setup is undoubtedly different from mine, there are a few “versatile” items that I think should always be close at hand. This is not an exhaustive list – I just moved recently and will be moving again soon, so some of my gear is still packed in boxes – but this is just the beginning.

Before we get started, a word about how I compiled the list: I will include the specific products I use whenever possible. You can buy them. You can buy something completely different. You can’t buy anything. It doesn’t matter to me. If anything, this should be considered an inspiration, not a call to action to add to your Amazon shopping list.

Also, I want to hear about your must-have tech gear as I am always on the lookout for new items to purchase during the next pandemic-related shopping round. So funny! And yes, this slideshow uses dark mode because that’s what I like. I mean dark mode. Not a slideshow.


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