8 Best Stand-up Comedians to Watch With the Whole Family

We could all use a few extra jokes right now, but our kids in particular have had a hard time this year. There is a long (boring?) Summer ahead, and now is a good time to cheer up the house with some good old-fashioned stand-up comedy.

Stand-up comedians as a group are not entirely family friendly. However, there are some who avoid profanity and topics that are too mature or not suitable for children. One member of our Offspring Facebook group recently asked for advice and received responses. Alissa says:

I’m looking for some recommendations for suitable comedians [8-9 year olds]. We watched Jim Gaffigan’s special with our son and he liked it and asked to see more stand-ups, but anything I can think of is completely inappropriate! I thought it would be best to ask about this group!

Here are some of our top picks. Keep in mind that just because the language of the comics is mostly pure does not mean that they are immature or never offensive. So, as with any new media you introduce your kids to, it’s best to preview it first to make sure it matches your comfort level, and then watch it with the whole family for you to explain and discuss. anything that might require additional context.


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