Use Magna-Tiles to Attach Happy Birthday Banners to Your Car

We are all creative in how we celebrate milestones, as well as physically distance ourselves from the pandemic. One of the popular tactics, especially on birthdays, was the party parade. Guests “gather” around the block, lining up in their cars, and then driving past the birthday boy / girl’s house, honking and shouting birthday wishes from cars decorated with ribbons, balloons and banners.

And a parent who attended this week’s One Bad Mother podcast found the perfect way to stick those banners to her car — with Magna-Tiles.

Magna-Tiles are colorful, durable and versatile, and can be used in endless ways to create creative structures and other creations. And since they are also magnetic, they can attach a birthday banner to your car. It will work any magnet to hold the banners on your machine? Of course – so if you don’t have Magna-Tiles, you still have options. But kids will love using these colorful tiles again during these weird times. If you don’t have banners or signs to stick to your car, still hand out Magna-Tiles and let the kids create a festive design on your car to celebrate.


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