Start Your Day With Family Scrum

Trying to live dayday after day – with the whole family in one place and stay positive – will be … challenging. Probably already there. But one way to keep your composure is to start the day on the right note. And one of our Offspring Facebook group members has a trick for that.

Ted, who is now at home with his wife and their three young children (aged 5, 2 and 8 months), says they start their day with a family fight. If you are not familiar with scramming, it is the framework most often used by software development teams to organize, set goals, and track progress through daily meetings (scrum).

It gets its name from rugby league, in which players come together to try and get hold of the ball. And since we’re all trying to find our sanity right now, it seems as good a way as any other to try and set the tone for the day. Ted says:

One thing that helped us a lot this week was starting the morning with something like a “daily scrum” after breakfast, when we:

  • Play the Chicago Bulls theme music on UE Boom to recharge your batteries for the day.
  • Sit in a circle and take several deep breaths together.
  • Sing a couple of children’s songs.
  • Ask each family member what they want / need to do before sunset (5-year-old pretends to write on his LCD Etch A Sketch tablet).
  • Arrange activities in order based on sequence and priority.
  • Throw another quick dance party and START!

I think the Chicago Bulls theme music is optional here. Pick any song that will cheer you up and your kids up, play it loud enough for neighbors to hear and cheer up, too, and then outline your goals and priorities for the day.


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