TSA Now Allows 12 Ounces. Hand Sanitizer in Carry-on Baggage

If you have an upcoming flight and are worried about bringing hand sanitizer with you, we have good news for you: you can now pack large bottles in your carry-on baggage.

The Transportation and Safety Administration (TSA) announced on Friday that travelers will now be allowed to carry large bottles of hand sanitizer with them during the flight, according to the Washington Post . Passengers are now allowed to carry hand sanitizer bottles up to 12 ounces in size, significantly larger than the 3.4 ounces previously allowed.

This 3.4 ounce rule still applies to other liquids.

While large bottles of hand sanitizer are allowed, they also need to be screened separately from your other belongings when going through screening, which the TSA notes could potentially slow your journey.

On the TSA last week also released a statement in which it offered to the passengers put things like phone, wallet and keys in your hand luggage when passing airport security and not to put them in one of the plastic containers that have been used a number of other passengers, reports Business Insider . Passengers are also encouraged to wash their hands before and after passing the airport security line.


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