Brush Each Sandwich With Butter

I’m a diehard butter fan , but I haven’t used it to the fullest. It’s obvious toaster and cooking oil, but it’s also pretty fantastic (and criminally underrated) sandwich pasta.

If you’re British, you probably already do this, so feel free to quit reading this and go to a chip store, pub or something. But the rest of you – people who don’t butter sandwiches – will linger for a moment.

Butter goes well with most foods. It goes well with cheese. It goes well with meat. It goes well with vegetables. Mostly greasy, it repels water even better than mayonnaise and adds a pleasant creaminess without overwhelming your sandwich with the distracting taste. This makes every sandwich you put into it richer and less moist. Where is the other side?

Do I suggest you use butter instead of mayonnaise? No, I suggest you use both. (I’m a bit of a hedonist in that sense!) If you hate mayonnaise, you should definitely use this; I’ve always wondered how mayonnaise haters put up with such dry sandwiches. Making a salad sandwich like chicken or tuna? They can be quite damp, so you need to spread butter on both sides of the sandwich.

If you really want to have some fun grab some complex oils. (We have Brie Butter, Black Garlic Butter, Duck Butter, Bacon Butter , and Yogurt Butter , and they’re all great.) If you’re worried about the cold butter tearing your bread, use a vegetable peeler . (Although in reality you should always have at least one kind of room temperature butter.) There is no excuse not to butter your sandwiches ( even vegan ones ). Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I’m the number one butter fan.


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