Store-Bought Cinnamon Roll Batter Makes Great Waffles

Cinnamon rolls are a fairly standard Christmas morning breakfast, but those made with store-bought dough are rarely as soft and sticky as their homemade counterparts . This is not to say that they are bad, but I think that canned buns are much better for waffles.

Cinnamon waffle buns have many benefits. They cook very quickly – it takes me about four minutes for each – and you can cook them one at a time, which is great for small groups with different appetites. Instead of requiring everyone to eat everything at once on Christmas morning when the excitement is high and the parents are sleepy, you and your family can waffle a cinnamon roll whenever you feel like it, even in between gifts. Any unused dough can be kept in the refrigerator until you want the waffles again.

If you find that the cinnamon rolls get too boring the first thing in the morning, I have great news: The crunchy nooks and cracks created by the waffle process soften the sweetness, and the fortified dough keeps the insides nice and fluffy. The result is a soft, cinnamon-flavored waffle perfect for both sweet and savory breakfasts. You can cover it with syrup (or homemade cream cheese frosting) or use two waffles to make a very addictive breakfast sandwich (kind of like the trendy McGriddle).

Simply open the dough tube, heat the waffle iron (non-stick) to high heat, and place the cinnamon-scented washer in the center. If your skin is a little prone to sticking, apply a non-stick spray to it first. Close the maker tightly and cook the waffles until the outer sides are slightly brown and you can easily remove the waffles from the device, about 3-5 minutes. Remove waffles with a silicone or wooden spatula and serve immediately with butter and syrup, cream cheese frosting, or breakfast sandwich filling. Repeat as necessary.


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