Let Older Children Guide Their Families Around the Airport

Navigating the airport while on vacation (or anytime) with kids can be the worst part of the journey – well, other than the flight itself. However, if you have a slightly older child, this can be a great opportunity to give him the opportunity to put his navigation skills to the test.

Here’s what Reddit user u / bcoop63143 did during a recent trip with his 13- and 17-year-old daughters:

We got off the plane and I told them to escort us to our luggage. That meant walking past 25 gates, walking the escalators, making the right choice on the escalators, taking the correct tram, getting off and going up the escalator, then choosing the “red or blue” side of baggage claim and finding the right carousel.

I followed them about 30 yards or so. I let them make the wrong decision and didn’t fix it right away, I let them figure out “fail and recover”.

Traveling through the convoluted twists and turns of an airport is a life skill everyone needs and is rarely taught until that busy day when you first have to do it yourself. Allowing them to practice this at a young age – and under your supervision – gives them the opportunity to try it without any of the pressure of actually being late for their flight (or losing their luggage).

You can also practice navigation skills on a smaller scale with younger children. Have them read the cards in the amusement park and try to steer you to the next attraction (if they turn in the wrong direction, you can always ride something else along the way). Review the bus or train timetables together and see if they can identify the correct stop or guide you from the terminal to the street. See if they can figure out how to find your hotel room.

This experience will ease the pressure on them – and on you – a little the first few times they have to navigate a confusing area on their own.


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