Why Keep Old Blankets and Coats in Your Car

I used to get to the three-hour drive from college on weekends in impractical uniforms: jeans, a hooded sweatshirt, and possibly a winter hat if the snow was already on the ground. When I arrived, my father always scolded me for being unprepared. “Where is your coat?” he will demand. “You need a coat. What if you break somewhere? “I shrugged my shoulders until one night my car twisted in an ice storm and landed against a rail on I-95. “Do you have a coat?” the tow truck driver asked, pushing me into the cab of his truck, where he turned on the heater before pulling my car out of a dangerous position next to the highway.

From that moment I realized how important it is to equip your car with useful things for the winter months, no matter how confident you are that “it is not so cold!”

Reddit user Marinaseaglass reminded in a timely manner that temperatures are starting to drop and night is falling a little earlier.

As it gets colder, go through your coats and blankets and put those you don’t need in your car. They come in handy if you break, or if you meet someone who needs them, you can give them away.

I now have a special blanket in my car, although I live in climates where temperatures rarely drop below freezing. You never know when you will need to wrap something or someone or want to protect your car seats, and at best, you will always be ready for a picnic in the park. And the blanket won’t take up much space in your trunk, nor will a spare jacket or two. I bought my “ugly blanket,” as I call it, at a thrift store for under $ 3. It is faded and frayed with stains, which in my opinion makes it an ideal candidate for an emergency car blanket.

Other commenters at r / LifeProTips have shared similar items that they store in their machines. For drivers in all climates, an extra pair of shoes and socks will work. Another good suggestion is a sleeping bag. A towel can also come in handy to cover the seats, dry a wet, cold person or pet, or move a displaced animal (I wish I had one handy when I needed to get the hapless turtle out of the way). do you have a spare blanket or coat in your car in winter? Have you ever used it as a last resort?


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