How to Prevent Automatic Downloading of Gmail Images on Your IPhone

Anyone with a cell phone can tell you that sometimes you have a good data connection and sometimes you are not sure if you can load a google search page.

In cases where you don’t have the strongest connection, or when you’re trying to save data, uploading large images to Gmail isn’t exactly ideal. Gmail now offers the ability to prevent automatic image downloads, save your data, and help your email work more efficiently in these limited connection situations. CNET explained how to use the feature in this week’s post.

To activate it, launch the Gmail app and then click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the page (these three lines are located one above the other). From there, select Settings and then select your Gmail account. Go to Pictures and then select Ask before displaying external images.

Now, whenever you check your email, no images are loaded by default. You will still have the option to download them individually if you want, but you may also not see the terms on your phone, which should make Gmail run much faster in some situations.


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