Find Out What Happens When People Ignore Safety Instructions in an Airplane Emergency

If you have been on the plane many times, you probably have memorized the safety information: “In the event of an evacuation, please safely proceed to the nearest emergency exit,” and so on.

But there is a difference between hearing this information and creating a mental picture of what it might look like, which is why Japan Airlines has created a unique safety video to accurately illustrate what can happen during various in-flight emergencies.

The video retains the joyful “relax, relax and enjoy the flight” atmosphere of a typical airline safety presentation, but it also includes animated scenes of what happens when people ignore instructions. Passengers fly out of their seats during turbulence, block aisles with their luggage during evacuation, damage escape slides with high heels.

I don’t know which part of this safety video will amaze you the most: the moment when a small child assumes a prop position in preparation for an impact, or the moment when dozens of successfully evacuated passengers flee from a downed plane.

But I bet it will be unforgettable – and that’s the point. In a real-life emergency, you don’t want to ask yourself if you can be the only person who can save their carry-on. You want to be the one who remembers the video of the person getting stuck in the aisle and preventing other passengers from getting off the plane.

As explained in a press release from Japan Airlines , this new safety video “is based on real-life incidents that have recently occurred in the aviation industry.” Hopefully, he does his job and helps people remember and visualize how to stay safe in the future.


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