Put Brown Butter on Summer Foods

Gathering fresh produce and eating fresh produce are two of my favorite summer activities. I make salads that are actually piles of raw corn, juicy peaches over the sink, and berries floating in heavy cream . I never had much of a reason to cook anything until the geniuses at Food 52 suggested sprinkling brown butter on my summer catch.

This trick works for a wide variety of plant parts (including raspberries!), But, as you might expect, I especially love dressing raw corn kernels:

Just before the butter is burnt, pour it over the raw corn. Now this is the important part: stir so that each kernel is chopped to a nine, then eat immediately. The butter should be warm and melted, like movie theater popcorn.

Isn’t that poetry?

Once that is done, you should expand your range of butter to include chopped tomatoes, the aforementioned blackberries, and the ripe peaches you can find. (Start with small spoons and spoons of your choice, and don’t forget about the salt.) The oil adds a touch of contrast and richness, highlighting the freshest and most vibrant summer gifts.

Butter Trick To Improve Corn Salads | Food 52


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