Chop and Slice the Burger Filling

I may be a dirty bitch, but I’m not a dirty eater, and I absolutely hate it when toppings – be it pizza or hamburgers – slide off prematurely. Avoiding lettuce or pickles just to keep your shirt dirty is too expensive, but you can greatly reduce your chances of slipping by dicing and chopping up your favorite hamburger accessories.

Not only do these cut out accessories (accessories?) Stay in place, their smaller size means they can be distributed more evenly, maximizing the flavor and texture that everyone has to offer.


I’ve already documented my love of shredded salad in all sandwiches and hamburgers are included, but just to remind, the shrettuk stays in place and it gives the seasoning a rougher area to stick to, making the burger smoother. It also makes the mouth a little more cheerful.


Unlike random, overlapping rings, super tiny onions offer the benefits of texture and distribution, and they retain small amounts of onions so they don’t overload a real hamburger patty.


Then there are pickles. While I will never turn my back on aggressive green dill chips, dicing pickles before burger opens up a whole world of possibilities for topping, as many pickles come in whole or in half. The small coarse canned cucumber cubes stay in place, and you can experiment by mixing different types of pickles – try buttered bread and gherkins if you’re feeling crazy. (You can also just use seasoning.)


While bacon is not slippery, I’m still a fan of crumbling super crispy strips directly onto melted American cheese for maximum bacon coverage.

The only topping I don’t recommend slicing is tomatoes, simply because it often results in the loss of gel and seeds, which are where the flavor is . But if you place tomato slices between two other (chopped or shredded) fillings, their coarser texture should be enough to keep the material in place.


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