This SMS Service Gives You an Added Incentive to Skip the Snooze Button.

Waking up in the morning is hard. Sometimes it’s very hard.

At least once a week, I end up setting my alarm for a well-meaning early morning awakening, only to set it off a few times until I wake up a few seconds before I * need *.

SnoozeYouLose is a service that tries to help people like me change this habit by putting more at stake than just skipping their morning run.

The concept is pretty simple. You tell the service on which days you plan to get up early and what time this awakening should be. For example, let’s say you want to wake up at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays so you have time to run before work. You will also bet the amount in cash, think of a few dollars that tell you that you are going to do it.

Once you have everything set up, at 6 AM on Tuesday and Thursday you will receive a text message from the service with a little math problem, riddle or puzzle that you need to answer. You must answer this message with the correct answer to mark yourself awake during the day. If you don’t, you will lose everything you put on during this awakening.

The idea, of course, is that you need to wake up a little to tag yourself with that, not just hit another snooze button.

SnoozeYouLose will give half of your Charity Water bet and keep half of it.

There is no victory other than saving your money and enjoying the joy of waking up early in order to truly reach your goal.

However, if you are having trouble waking up, this can be a worthy way to give yourself enough incentive to make it happen.


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