Here Is Every 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate’s Plan to End Gun Violence

Last week, gun control took center stage among the Democratic presidential candidates in the Detroit debates and after the shooting in Gilroy, California and Brownsville, Brooklyn (as well as days before the shooting in El Paso, Texas and Dayton. Ohio, due to weekend). Gun violence – and inadequate gun laws – have affected the lives of too many Americans, while the current presidential administration may have done very little to change that fact. (In February, Trump pledged to veto two House-approved measures that would extend the background check period and require background checks for all firearm sales, including at gun shows or online. As of Monday morning, the president tweeted for their support “rigorous” checks and biographical data that is confusing, “immigration reform”).

While the next round of debates in September is still a few months away, below are 20 Democratic candidates’ plans to fight gun control as president. Starting with the candidates with the most votes and then alphabetically, here are their intended policies:

Joe Biden

  • Expand generic background checks.
  • Prohibit assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
  • Work to reaffirm the Violence Against Women Act to End Domestic Violence Against Women (which was approved by the House of Representatives in April but has not yet passed through the Senate).
  • Support survivors of violence and trauma with a “Comprehensive Review of All Federal Programs” to better support trauma survivors.
  • Increase the funding limit for victim crime programs that provide financial compensation for victims of domestic violence and other crimes.

Pete Buttigieg

  • Support emergency risk orders or red flag laws that temporarily restrict access to weapons for those at risk of injury to themselves or others.
  • Close the boyfriend loophole that will prevent those convicted of stalking or partner abuse from buying or owning a gun. (The current law does not apply to guys or partners.)
  • Prohibit military-style assault weapons
  • Create a nationwide weapons licensing system.
  • “Invest in evidence-based programs to combat gun violence in cities that have proven to be effective.”
  • “Bring the arms industry to justice.”

Kamala Harris

  • Prohibit the import of assault weapons and prohibit high-capacity magazines.
  • Make gun trafficking a crime and stop federal convicts from buying guns.
  • Require salespeople on five or more guns to verify any sales data.
  • Revocation of licenses from manufacturers and dealers of weapons that violate the law.
  • Close the boyfriend’s loophole.
  • Reverse the Trump administration’s decision to narrow down the definition of “fugitive from justice” that currently allows fugitives with gun warrants.

Bernie Sanders

  • Expand background verification and close the gun show loophole that allows you to sell or sell weapons at trade shows without having to verify your background.
  • Prohibit the sale and distribution of assault weapons.
  • Prohibit high-capacity magazine-type weapons.
  • Take action against “straw purchases” that allow those who cannot buy weapons (such as criminals) to buy weapons.

Elizabeth Warren

No plan presented, but there has been a desire to “double down on research and find out what really works” to curb gun violence and a universal background check.

Michael Bennett

No plan provided, but expressed support for closing the loophole at the gun show.

Corey Booker

  • Expand universal background checks and ban assault weapons.
  • Increase funding for research on curbing gun violence.
  • Establish a national weapons licensing system, requiring interviews, background checks and training on how to handle weapons; the license will be valid for five years, but can be revoked at any time, writes Vox .
  • Create a national database system that requires gun owners to register and remain tracked.
  • Set a limit on ownership of one pistol per month.

Bill de Blasio

No plan provided, but support for a ban on assault weapons has been expressed .

Steve Bullock

No plan presented, but support is expressed for banning assault weapons and enacting red flag laws. Bullock has had conflicting records on gun control, and in 2016 he even gave up on a general background check .

Julian Castro

The plan was not presented, but supported a ban on assault weapons, high-capacity stores and the closure of the Gun Show loophole, as noted by PBS .

John Delaney

  • Implement universal background verification.
  • Forbid assault weapons.
  • Support a law prohibiting accessories designed to “increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic weapons, including fenders and trigger cranks.”
  • Support the National Emergency Risk Protection Order, which will temporarily restrict the use of weapons for people at risk.
  • Close the boyfriend’s loophole and fund a gun violence investigation.

Tulsi Gabbard

No plan presented, but supported a ban on assault weapons .

Kirsten Gillibrand

No plan is foreseen, but it will implement universal background checks, prohibit assault weapons and close “gun trade loopholes.” Gillibrand previously advocated for guns during her tenure as a member of Congress in New York from 2007 to 2009.

John Hickenlooper

  • Prohibit high-capacity stores.
  • Introduce a national weapons licensing program with background verification.
  • “Raise the level of training for local law enforcement and introduce basic school safety training that does not turn our schools into prisons.”
  • Individuals under the age of 21 will undergo safety and storage training to obtain a license.

Jay Inslee

No plan presented, but supported a ban on assault weapons.

Amy Klobuchar

  • Implement universal background verification.
  • Close the gun show and boyfriend loophole.
  • Ban “shock lodges, high-capacity ammunition feeders, and assault weapons.”

Beto O’Rourke

  • Implement universal background verification and ban assault weapons.
  • Close the boyfriend’s loophole and Charleston’s loophole that allow multiple firearms to be exchanged among licensed gun dealers before a background check is completed, CNN writes .
  • Flip the Trump administration’s definition of “fugitive from justice” to prevent fugitives from buying weapons.
  • “Abolish the regulation allowing access to 3D printing of plastic pistols.”
  • Adopt red flag laws to prevent people at risk from buying weapons.

Tim Ryan

No plan provided, but support for background checks, closing the Charleston loophole (so that background checks are done before licensed arms dealers exchange firearms), and “preventing weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists or people who are tracking terrorists. list. “Ryan was a former NRA supporter, but changed his stance on background checks following the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Marianne Williamson

  • Prohibit the sale of assault rifles, semi-automatic weapons, folding stocks and high-capacity magazines. Check your background information.
  • “Strict control of the use of firearms among children and access to weapons among children” and fuses on weapons.
  • Support Red Flag laws to prevent people at risk from buying weapons.
  • “Removing current restrictions on the ability of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to track and record the number of gun owners in America.”
  • “Encourage research on the relationship between pharmaceutical drug use and suicidal / murderous behavior, especially among young people.”

Andrew Yang

  • Promote a “strict tiered licensing system” for gun ownership, dependent on the firearm itself.
  • “Anyone who has experienced violence, domestic violence, or violent mental illness in the past will be ineligible for a license.”
  • Prohibit the sale of firearm accessories such as fenders, silencers, incendiary / explosive ammunition, and grenade launchers.
  • Implement a federal buyback program for those who voluntarily give up firearms.
  • Increase funding for the National Suicide Prevention Line, US Department of Veterans Affairs for Suicide Prevention, “mental health infrastructure,” mindfulness programs in prisons and schools, and de-escalation training for law enforcement.


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