Train Your Pet to Come to You When a Fire Alarm Is Triggered

The next time you burn a batch of bacon, fill the kitchen with smoke and turn on the fire alarm, react quickly – remove the pan, violently blow the air around the alarm with a tea towel and treat your pet.

Reddit user u / Jajaninetynine explains why:

If a fire alarm goes off, call your pets and treat them. Eventually, they will appear when the alarm goes off, saving you the trouble of wasting time looking for pets during the evacuation.

You can do this when the alarm goes off unexpectedly or when you check it, which the US Fire Administration says we should do once a month. The resulting treat should make your dog or cat a little less intimidated by the roaring sound and more likely to rush after you instead of hiding under a chair should a real fire ever break out.

Disclaimer: This doesn’t work with fish.


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