Beware of This Gift Shop Scam

Always investigate common destination scams before traveling abroad to avoid falling prey to tourist gimmicks (such as bottled water or skip-the- line scams ). And the next time you decide to visit a gift shop, be careful. On a recent Reddit thread, several users reported another scam in which travelers are accused of breaking an item and are suddenly held liable for any damages.

“I was with the band and I talked to the salesperson a bit and he commented on my shirt,” writes u / singmelullabies1 . “The group went to a restaurant, and after 10 minutes the salesman comes into the restaurant, finds me and says, ‘You broke some of my necklaces – you have to pay for them.’ but I left when I realized that I would not be ashamed to pay him. “

This is not that different from another frequent scam in New York, where strangers claim that you passed them and “broke” their glasses. (I’ve dealt with this twice.)

What can you do to avoid paying for souvenir damage if you are caught cheating? As u / melston9380 recommends, resist the urge to keep whatever is passed on to you; if it suddenly falls apart in your hands, you can be held accountable. Of course, you can also choose not to pay for the alleged damage, although this can put you in an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.

Otherwise, beware of fragile items in stores; Better yet, avoid souvenir shops in tourist areas altogether, and you’ll save yourself damage (and tourist prices).


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