Get a Measles Vaccine Before You Travel

You may not think of Europe as a place to get your vaccines before you go on vacation, but measles has hit an all-time high in Europe this year . The CDC recommends that people traveling to any country outside of the US take measles precautions, so if you’re planning a summer trip, now is a good time to check if you are in the know about vaccinations.

If you were born before 1957, if you know you have had measles, or if you know you have received two doses of MMR vaccine, you are good to go. Otherwise, you may need another shot for full protection. Read our post on how to find out if you need a measles vaccine , or better yet, ask your doctor. Babies can get an early dose of the vaccine at 6 months, so check with your pediatrician if you are traveling with babies.

Once you return, whether vaccinated or not, please call (do not visit) your doctor if you feel that you have a fever or appear other symptoms similar to measles . (The vaccine is very effective, but no vaccine is perfect.) The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that returning travelers can often spread the disease before realizing they are sick, and doctors should consider measles among people who have recently returned from hospital. journey.

It’s always a good idea to check the CDC landing page to see if there are currently outbreaks of measles or other illness. But travel advice is spreading around the world because the airports themselves are places where measles can spread easily. Attractions too. So stay safe, give injections if applicable, and be aware of the risks.


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