Why You Need to Keep Cosmetics Away From Children
You probably keep medicines out of the reach of young children and don’t dream of leaving harsh cleansers out of the reach of your children. But cosmetics can also be dangerous, and a recent study found that children regularly suffer from poisoning and chemical burns from cosmetics.
These injuries are still rare: the authors estimate that 64,400 cases have been treated in US emergency departments over the past 15 years. But we usually don’t think of cosmetics as dangerous, so it’s worth talking about them. Cosmetics are “often packaged and designed to be colorful, visually appealing, and easy to open and use.” In addition, they often smell good and sometimes even look like food.
Serious injuries include chemical burns from hair relaxers and perm solutions, and poisoning from ingestion of nail care products, including nail polish remover. (No deaths were reported, but many children were injured enough to be hospitalized.)
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends storing cosmetics out of reach and / or in a cabinet with a lock or safety latch . Research has shown that the most common types of injury change with age, suggesting that toddlers study objects with their mouths, sometimes opening drawers, or reaching for objects that parents did not know they could reach. Meanwhile, the slightly older children have developed enough dexterity to spray perfume in their eyes. Never underestimate the determined toddler and always keep dangerous things out of reach.