Low Maintenance Plants Are Actually Terrible for Beginners.
Raise your hands if you’ve killed a succulent. Yes, me too. Succulents and cacti are starting out great plants in theory because they can survive a little neglected. But that’s actually what makes them terrible for brown thumbs like me and (possibly) you.
But plant blogger Christina of Throw Some Herbs on That Shit gives a wise (see?) Tip : The best plants for beginners are the ones that train you to check them daily. She recommends potos because it grows quickly and is easy to maintain if you really pay attention to it .
She says, “This plant is VERY good at communicating its needs, so you’ll get into the habit of checking / watering / pruning it. If you make a mistake, it will bounce back and be easily revived! »It may not be the easiest plant to grow, but it will be fun and rewarding. Other plants fulfill some of these criteria, but potos seems like a great choice for beginners. This is the one that looks like the photo above. Enjoy forging new friendships with this lush green plant that’s hard to kill but you must pay attention to.