These Watermelon Wedges Cut Perfect Slices in Seconds
I’m always suspicious of disposable slicers and slicers, but I’m really not crazy about this watermelon wedge. This is especially useful during barbecue season when serving large quantities of fresh melon chunks is paramount.
With this giant pie-shaped slicer, you can slice melons up to 16 “in diameter into 12 perfect wedges (and one long melon rod) in about 10 seconds. It is a surprisingly large, tough piece of metal with large handles that are easy to grasp but not very sharp – if you’ve ever worked with an apple knife / rocker, just imagine it, but about the size of a watermelon. Although the instructions say you only need to cut off the bottom of the melon (for stability), I found that I couldn’t insert the slicer into the fruit without removing the top as well. But as soon as I tore off a small piece from both ends, the knife slid with one, not so strong push. (While it does help to place the melon on a surface that is slightly lower, such as a table rather than a high countertop.) The $ 20 slicing may seem like a bit of a waste, but if you are eating and serving a lot of melon at your summer parties, it is the fastest and tidiest way to prepare fruit for consumption.