Why You Might Not Want to Buy European Infant Formula

One of the first important decisions parents make is how or what to feed their baby. For formula eaters, finding a high quality product with maximum nutritional value can be challenging. And maybe that’s why some parents are turning to the European brands, such as HiPP , Holle , Lebenswert and Töpfer , which some seem to be more natural and superior to those that are sold on American shelves.

The problem, as reported by the New York Times, is that many of these formulas are not regulated by the FDA, which means they can be potentially dangerous:

These products are not registered with the FDA and do not have official distribution channels in the United States, according to HiPP, Holle and Töpfer. This means that the import and sale of these formulas in the United States is illegal, the FDA said. But they still enter the country through third party vendors.

A non-FDA approved product that is sold by third-party vendors has a number of safety concerns:

Storage : Third party vendors may improperly store the formula, increasing the risk of contamination or spoilage. And it is impossible to know if it was exposed to extreme temperatures during transport.

Nutrition : Formulas may or may not contain all nutrients required in the United States.

Reminders : There would be no system to notify consumers in the United States of product recalls, which means that receiving this important news may be delayed.

Labeling : Labels may not be written in English, or otherwise confuse or mislead Americans – formulas labeled “hypoallergenic” in Europe will not be labeled this way in the US, for example, because they are not intended for children with cow’s milk allergy.

Dr. Stephen Abrams, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Nutrition Committee, told the Times that he “strongly discourages” parents from using formula that is not FDA-regulated:

Infant formula “must be absolutely nutritiously complete and handled very safely from the moment it is manufactured until it reaches their home and baby,” said Dr. Abrams. “Laws and rules are not in vain. And this is because even one mistake in any of these actions will lead to dire consequences for babies. “

There is no convincing association between these foods and any side effects or illness in American babies who consumed these formulas. But in order to choose the formula that works for you and your child, it is best to start by talking with your pediatrician.


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