Why Is This Cyclist in Your Lane

Cycling safely does not always mean sticking to the side of the road. In fact, when cyclists try to stay away from cars, they can sometimes create a situation that is more dangerous for themselves, cars and pedestrians.

If you are not used to dividing the road, seeing a cyclist in his own lane may seem a little strange or even rude. But cycling in the main lane may be a safer option if:

  • The bike path or curb is filled with gravel, broken glass, or other hazards.
  • The cycle lane or curb suddenly disappears, or there are parked cars or other obstructions.
  • A cycle path or curb passes next to several parked cars that may suddenly swing open their doors.
  • There is actually no cycle lane or curb.
  • The cyclist is about to turn left
  • You run out of space to pass safely

It is the latter that often annoys riders because it means you need to slow down and stay behind the cyclist. But if there is not enough room to safely bypass the cyclist, the cyclist takes care of himself and you , forcing you to sit still for a moment.

Take, for example, the situation in the main image. (I swapped it from the original , which was filmed in the UK, where people are driving on the opposite side of the road; let’s discuss a similar situation here in the US.) If the cyclist was on the right side of the road, the car could cross the dividing line of the road trying to get away From him. It is dangerous here because you cannot see if another car is going around the corner.

Another option for the car, if the cyclist was on the right, is to try to overtake him by keeping the car in the right lane. This space is not enough to make the situation safe for the cyclist. So, he drives on the left side of the lane so that both situations are impossible. Both of you can wait until you get to a place with better visibility.

And yes, road driving is allowed. State laws vary , but they usually allow cyclists to ride in the middle or left of the lane if necessary for safety. As a driver, I find slowing down behind the cyclist a little annoying. But when I’m on a bike, it can literally be a matter of life and death.


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