Sign up Now to Play DOOM on Your IPhone Later This Year

DOOM fans will soon be able to play the game on their iOS devices without taking up tons of disk space.

During E3, Bethesda Softworks, the publisher of the popular game, said it would be testing a new streaming technology called Orion this year. The test will allow you to play DOOM on any iOS device running iOS 11 or later, and it’s free for everyone.

Bethesda refers to Orion as “methods” for streaming games, not a specific streaming service. The idea is to create a quality interface without lag. Things can get complicated when it comes to streaming.

Unlike movies and songs, which can be precompressed in their entirety and sent from the cloud, the game will need to be compressed frame by frame, depending on how the user interacts with it. Even more difficult, you have to consider bandwidth for both players with slow data connections and those who may have a data limit in their plan. However, Bethesda thinks it has found the answer.

If you want to give it a try, you just need to register to participate in the trial on the Bethesda website . When you have done so, Bethesda will contact you when the trial officially opens.


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