According to Reddit, the Tasks You Do in the Wrong Order

“What is a life hack that does not require you to do anything new, but simply change the order in which you are already doing something?” Reddit user DetroitHustlesHarder asks. The redditors responded with lots of good time management tips that don’t require additional work, just the same work in better order. All you need to get these hacks to work is some control over your schedule and some self-control.

  • “First add an email attachment,” says Lionel Hatz4. Then you can’t forget to attach it.
  • Redditor -Axon- adds: Don’t fill out the “To:” line until you’ve written the email so you don’t accidentally send it too early.
  • “Remove all ingredients before you start cooking,” says katchibeauty, and remove them as you go (for example, rinse the pots immediately before the food pieces harden).
  • – And clean the corn after it is cooked, – says Terdmaffin.
  • “Fill your mouth with water before giving the pill,” says Jampstead. “Thus, the tablet will not be able to stick to a semi-dry surface.”
  • “Before you start doing housework, wash your laundry,” says Markusaralius76. “While the machine is running, you are technically doing several things at the same time.”
  • “Clean your home thoroughly before going on vacation,” says PhoneSteveGaveToTony.
  • And clean on Friday night, not Sunday, says sequoiastar. The sooner you get busy on the weekend, the fewer Sunday gifts you will have.
  • “Eat before you go grocery shopping,” says (sorry) PM_UR_NUDES_4_RATING. Of course, this is when you have no food, but at least buy a chocolate bar.
  • “When you shower, apply conditioner before washing your body and rinse it off after,” advises NoLifeKing_RL.
  • “Eat the frog,” says Section 37, “Do the worst thing early in the day and the rest of the day will be easier.” Plus, fear won’t hang over you.
  • Or, as RandomlyMethodical suggests, do a little work right after you get up to pick up momentum and “dive into the rest of the day with a ‘Get Shit Done’ position.”
  • “Make coffee the night before,” advises BeholderLivesMatter. We agree with this from personal experience: fill the ground and water during your nightly routine, then set a timer or turn on the machine the next morning before you shower. You will feel a surge of relief that you do not have to fiddle with a spatula and a tap before you drink your coffee.
  • Or, if you’re more into cocoa, listen to Paperfoldingfractal and Kimmelane: don’t drain all the powder or all the milk first. Start with a little milk, then a little powder, then a little milk, and so on.


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