Clean Windows Dust With Fabric Softener

In our house, there is a constant struggle for the cleanliness of windows. This week I stumbled upon a trick that might make this a bit easier: washing windows with fabric softener.

The idea here is that, in addition to cleaning windows, fabric softener has the added bonus of helping to repel dirt and dust, so your windows will theoretically stay clean longer.

The hack was originally posted on a Facebook group called Extreme Couponing and Bargaining, but was later posted on House Beautiful .

To try it yourself, mix one capful of fabric softener with 3/4 cup warm water. Stir the solution well, then wipe down windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces with a cotton cloth. If the solution seems “too slimy” add some more water.

One Facebook member also mentioned that this solution is great for cleaning wooden floors, while another said she used it for things like flower pots and a fireplace.

The solution not only keeps the surface clean and potentially contains some dust repellent, but it also smells great so your home smells like clean linen rather than window cleaner.


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