Use This Site to Quickly Condense a Long Online Article Into a Few Sentences

When an article is just a few hundred words like this, you probably have a few minutes to read it. When you open an article thinking it’s several hundred, but in fact several thousand, your time may be a little more limited.

I Lazy to Read is an online app that can take this incredibly long article and still cut it down to five key sentences and ideas.

Obviously, you won’t get all the content in the article that way, but if you just want a quick overview of what the longer snippet might be about, this might be an easy way to do it.

To use the site, simply copy and paste the URL of the story you want to summarize into the box on the site and click Create.

Based on my personal tests, the results are great for really long texts and significantly worse for shorter ones.

For example, earlier this weekend, I wrote about my new love for the Sonics, an alternative to tonic or soda in a cocktail. The article is less than 500 words, which caused some confusion for the bot, which used some information from another article as a key point for me.

When I posted a much longer article on Joe Biden’s holiday weekend plans in the Washington Post , the results were significantly better, and after reading the original article and summary, it was pretty accurate.

While this is definitely not a substitute for reading the full article, the site can definitely come in handy if you want to get a quick grasp on something.


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