Use Old Greeting Cards As Bookmarks

Throwing away old greeting cards can make even ruthless burglars feel guilty, which means they have a way to hoard them. If you have a stock of old cards that you can’t recycle, there is an easy way to make use of them: repurpose them as bookmarks.

I started doing this because my boyfriend always gives me the cutest postcards and I wanted to really enjoy them. Inserting a card into the book I’m currently reading not only takes my place, but gives me something special to count on every time I open it. It’s both clutter control and reading motivation.

When you finish reading the book, you will have several options for what to do with this card. You could rework it, but I usually submit mine to a new book right away. For extra Sentiment Points, place the card in a copy of a book that has special meaning to the sender, so that the next time you re-read it, they’ll be there for you.


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