What to Do If You Are Intimidated by the Wave of Six-Week Abortion Bans

While abortion is still legal throughout the United States , Republicans are determined to change that. Apart from donating to abortion funds, it is difficult to see how you can help.

Donating to reproductive justice groups is a simple and effective way to support the fight for access to abortion, but it is not the only way to help. If you’ve already sent money to the Yellowhammer Abortion Fund and the ACLU and aren’t sure what to do next, you have a variety of options. Here are just a few.

Look at the bills against choice in your state

It may seem that all this comes out of nowhere, but that was a long time ago. The ultimate goal of the GOP is to pass enough state abortion laws for one or more of them to make it to the Supreme Court, and ultimately overturn Roe v. Wade. They’ve really picked up steam lately, with the Guttmacher Institute estimating that since January 1, 2019, more than 300 bills banning abortion have been introduced into the state legislatures .

Six-week abortion bans in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Ohio have yet to go into effect and are likely to be blocked by a court before they take effect. But the best thing that can happen to a ban on abortion is never to pass it at all. In Pennsylvania, where I live, about a dozen abortion bills are under discussion, most of which involve appropriations. Find your state legislature website , find active abortion bills and read them as best you can. Then go to hell with your reps to let them know how you feel.

Identify and support candidates with truly progressive platforms

Screaming at Republican lawmakers about abortion rights is like screaming into the void. The next step is to vote to remove them from office.

The 2020 and 2022 elections will play a huge role in shaping access to abortion in the United States, but every local election is a chance to regain control of the legislature that writes and passes these laws.

It is now more important than ever to elect pro-choice politicians who will actually invest in social programs. The EMILY List , a political action committee that seeks to elect Democratic women of choice, is a good resource for finding candidates in your area. Check the voting records of the current candidates: the results of the US Senate and House of Representatives voting can be found here , and the state records are available on the state legislature websites . Finally, do your best to keep an eye on the money: anti-choice organizations like the Susan B. Anthony List, Right to Life and the Center for Family and Human Rights have significantly increased their political donations in 2019 , and you can use OpenSecrets. org to track donations .

Physically appear on business

For every heartbeat bill, there is at least one local advocacy group that has been fighting it since day one. If your state has (or is actively trying to circumvent) an abortion ban, look for these groups first – and donate whatever you have to help. This Twitter thread from sociologist Stef Herold is a great place to start:

Even if your state supports abortion rights, there are many ways you can get involved. Volunteer at your local abortion clinic. Sign up to knock on doors for political candidates who are enthusiastic about incorporating abortion rights into their platform. Join Planned Parenthood Foundation’s fight to protect Title X and check out your regional Planned Parenthood chapter for volunteering opportunities; they almost always need people for telephone banking and data entry. If you are a lawyer, consider donating your time to a reproductive justice hotline such as If / When / How . Finally, if you want and can, take to the streets and demand responsibility.

Fight the facts

It’s easy to get caught up in the (fully justified) maelstrom of anger and panic that has swept a country, but keep in mind that disinformation thrives in such situations. Before hitting the retweet button , maybe let ‘s do a little fact check:

Take time to learn how pregnancy and the menstrual cycle actually work, especially if you never experience either. Learn about the physiological facts of the abortion procedure . Explore the history of anti-abortion legislation that has its roots in racist and xenophobic eugenic movements . Read and share the collection of jokes ” The only moral abortion is my abortion ” about people opposed to choice who made a moral exception for their abortions. Buy a copy of Scream Your Abortion by Amelia Bonow and Emily Knox and then lend it to all your friends. Above all, show empathy for the people who are affected by these laws – most of whom do not support them.

But the nasty trick is that all of these calls to action still place the responsibility directly on the people most likely to be victims; the rich and powerful can always access abortion services when they ( and their mistresses ) need it most. So, if abortion made it possible for you to pursue the career or family you have today, be open about it. If you have benefited from an abortion from your partner, be open about it. Do not be silent if you can afford to speak.


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