Avoid Game of Thrones Spoilers With This Chrome Extension

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan and can’t watch the final episode tonight, it will inevitably be pretty difficult to avoid spoilers tomorrow morning.

It is best to avoid spoilers to avoid the internet and any contact with people until you can watch. If this is not an option because of work and other things , then GameofSpoils can offer you a little security .

The Chrome Extension is a plugin that blocks Game of Thrones spoilers on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google News. When he discovers anything that he thinks might be a spoiler, he dims those messages, saving you from seeing them.

He searches for Game of Thrones in messages as well as character names, so he has a good chance of picking up even the smallest mentions. However, it can also block your friend Sansa’s messages, so you might get a few false positives.

If you see something and decide you want to see it, clicking on the shaded areas will gradually open the publication. It takes 3 seconds to fully expand, so you still have a chance to change your mind (or refuse if the click was accidental).

Your best move, of course, is to avoid all of these sites in the first place, but if you can’t do that, the extension can offer a decent safety net to keep spoilers out of your way.


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