Find Out If the Book You Are About to Buy Is Available in Your Local Library Using This Extension
If you find yourself browsing Amazon looking for your next useful reading, expanding the library could potentially save you some money by allowing you to read the same book for free.
The extension works quite simply: just flip through Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Goodreads as usual. When you do, the extension will display where you can also find the book in your local library. The extension has been available to Amazon for a while, but support has expanded to include additional seats over the years.
Library information is provided directly on the page, eliminating the need to open a dedicated website for your library to get the same information. It also reminds you that yes, the library exists and is the place where you can get books.
The extension is currently working with 4000 libraries worldwide. It also maintains search results for Hoopla, an online service that many libraries use to provide audiobooks and e-books to visitors.
Of course, borrowing a book from the library is not the same as owning it yourself; however, if it’s just a headline that you want to read on your next plane or beach trip, then borrowing it rather than buying it might make a lot more sense.