Best McDonald’s Style Diced Onion Burgers

Although I love McDonald’s, I would never recommend them as “the place you should go to enjoy a good burger.” McDonald’s is a thing – a thing that isn’t really food – in and of itself. (You don’t eat chicken, you eat McNuggets.) But there are a few things they do right, and one of those things is to dice the onion on your cheeseburger like tiny.

This is good for many reasons. First, it helps to distribute the onion evenly. If the bow is limited by its natural ring shape, it can only cover a certain surface area. If you were to arrange the onion rings so that each part of the pie was topped with an equal amount of onion, you – as in this sentence – would have too many onions . By chopping the onion into tiny pieces, you can scatter the onion precisely by adding just the right amount of onion pieces.

Then there is the issue of slippage. Depending on how your teeth line up, ripping off a large chunk of burger filling during the bite can be an unpleasant side effect when eating burgers. Sometimes these large pieces of onion fall from the teeth and fall into the décolleté. This cannot happen if the onion is in small pieces. Case is closed.

Other toppings that work best for a hamburger when cut into tiny pieces are pickles (you can also just use dill) and lettuce (large leaves like to slide off). This grinding ensures that the texture and flavor are evenly distributed, and the filling stays where you put it until you put it in your mouth. As a fan of control over what gets in my mouth and when, I find the extra knife work worth the effort.


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