Are Soda Cans or Plastic Bottles Harmful to the Environment?

We all know that garbage has a terrible effect on our environment – take a look at the plastic bottles that are washed on our beaches and water bodies. But when it comes to bottles versus aluminum cans, does one container have a greater impact on the environment than another?

Let’s be clear: Manufacturing aluminum and plastic bottles in general is a wasteful process. But there are several reasons why you might be better off buying one over the other the next time you’re in the grocery aisle.

Both processes require a large amount of natural resources.

First, you must consider the processes that are used in the production of both materials. According to Earth 911 , plastic bottles are made from oil-derived resin, a non-renewable resource. Drilling for oil is quite hazardous to the environment when considering the disruption of local aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and the impending threat of oil spills. Fracking, one of the oil recovery processes, also requires a lot of water ; for this reason, making plastic bottles in general is a rather wasteful process.

Meanwhile, aluminum cans require bauxite mining. This is a very destructive process for the environment; A 2017 study examining the impact of bauxite mining in Malaysia found that it can destroy local habitats, create air and water pollution, and cause serious health problems for miners and local communities, including long-term respiratory problems. In the US, there are small quantities of bauxite ore in mines in Arkansas , Georgia and Alabama, but we usually outsource to meet our aluminum needs, which is damaging the environment in other countries.

Plastic bottles are often recycled in a lower grade

Because plastic bottles are made of such a thin material, they often deteriorate quickly, Grist notes. As a result, they are processed into fibers rather than bottles; you can find these fibers in things like carpets , clothing, and sleeping bags. Even worse, in 2015, only 31% of plastic bottles were recycled.

However, cans are considered to be much more valuable in the eyes of the recycler as they can be easily recycled back to cans without losing any properties . According to , nearly 75% of the aluminum ever produced is still used today. We also tend to recycle more cans: in 2013, the recycling rate was almost 67% .

Banks can be the best use of resources

Again, while there isn’t really a clear answer, you might argue that cans are a winner here simply because they can be reused over and over again and are considered endlessly recyclable. However, it is up to the consumers who recycle the cans and the producers who reuse the material, not the production of new cans.


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