Happy Spring! We’re Running Again

Who doesn’t love to run? Okay, maybe a lot of us. (I personally hate running while doing this, but feel great after that.) We ran together last fall , and now that the colder regions of the US are starting to thaw again, it’s time to get back to lacing.

This time we’re going to focus on a specific type of running workout each week. All you have to do is find one day to try it at whatever level is right for you. If you like it, keep it on your schedule as you move forward.

The reason we do this is because running is easy if you do it the same way all the time (and at the same time and the same distance). This is also not the best way to get better. If you look at people who run a lot, they talk about speed runs, pace and uphill reps – every run has a purpose. Some are fast, some are slow, some follow a strict schedule, and some are just for fun. So this month we are exploring all of this.

Here’s your first assignment: trying big steps. As Jason Fitzgerald explained in his post a few years ago , this is a simple exercise you can add to any run:

Steps are simply 20-30 second accelerations taken after a light run. They can be done almost anywhere – in a parking lot (just be careful!), On your street, on a long driveway, or in a field. Start by running at an easy pace and then gradually accelerate until you reach 95% of your maximum effort. Hold this for about 2-3 seconds and then gradually stop. This is one step.

Take 30 seconds to a minute to walk or rest while standing between each step. Start at four and work up to six or eight steps. Keep in mind that the steps are relatively short, so while they’re quick (well, within a few seconds) they don’t have to be hard – it’s fun! I’ve discussed the steps in more detail here if you want to dive deeper into.

I took a few steps at the end of my easy run this morning and I have to admit it’s just fun – you fly, but not long enough for your lungs or legs to hurt. The steps are also fun at the end of the warm-up before you start the actual workout of the day, so keep them in your back pocket as we move forward.


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