Throw Away All Uncomfortable Underwear Right Now.

Life is too short for uncomfortable underwear.

I was reminded of my disdain for lingerie, which is often offered to women or photographed in magazines, when I stumbled upon a reader ‘s comment about Cup of Jo:

My caustic goal a year later was to replace all my silly little underwear with huge panties and just BE NORMAL WITH IT, and this is still the best decision I have ever made! My life changed dramatically when I bought two sizes larger. So convenient! No wedges! Now I am an avid evangelist in big panties.

Do you know what’s really good? An underwear that covers your entire butt and you can wear it comfortably throughout the day. Do you know what you don’t like? Ruffles, buttons, clasps, most thongs, underwear that has dried out too much in the dryer, etc. We all deserve so much more.

So, all of you there, in women’s underwear: throw out all your uncomfortable pairs right now. If you have several couples in which you feel especially sexy, leave them! I’m talking about everyday underwear that leaves marks on the skin, thickens, or just plain old. (And if someone out there hadn’t refreshed their underwear drawer in the last 12 months, it wouldn’t hurt to do it.)

Do yourself something nice this weekend and go through your underwear drawer piece by piece. You can try Mari Kondo’s method of throwing them away when they no longer cause joy, or simply ask yourself if you are comfortable wearing them. If not, throw them away.

Then buy yourself some new comfortable pairs, whatever that means to you (I suggest they are ), and embrace your unfree freedom. It’s so good.


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