How to See Recent Tweets First on Android

Android users rejoice: your Twitter app now has a simple solution for an annoying “best tweets first” timeline layout.

This change is in response to user frustration with timelines filled with tweets that are hours or days old, rather than recent or timely. In December, Twitter added the ability for iOS users to quickly switch between top tweets and timeline in reverse chronological order right at the top of the app.

This same feature is now available for Android app users. If you’d like to see the latest tweets first, tap the sparks icon (as Twitter calls it) in the upper right corner of the main channel. Click “Watch recent tweets instead” in the popup – this will put your timeline in reverse chronological order.

To return to viewing the most popular tweets, toggle the icon again and click Return to Home. Keep in mind that Twitter will automatically return to Home view after a period of inactivity, but the more often you choose the reverse chronological view, the longer Twitter will keep you on it.

If you are using Twitter through a browser, you can make the same change under Settings and Privacy. Scroll down to Content and uncheck “Show best tweets first”.

If you’ve already done so, you may have noticed a recent change in what is displayed in your reverse timeline. Twitter previously showed you “If you missed it” and recommended tweets – now you will only see tweets from the accounts you follow. Of course, @TwitterSupport says it will eventually drop the “Show best tweets first” option altogether .


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