Create a Google Doc With Holiday Gift Ideas Now

After all the recent partying, passive-aggressive family comments, and a champagne hangover, the 2019 holiday season might be the last thing you want to think about right now.

But if you want to learn how to give gifts or just make your life easier, start listing gift ideas for those you love. Refer to him throughout the year whenever a gift idea comes to your mind or a friend or loved one makes a comment. Then on December 23rd you won’t be climbing.

Megan Walbert, interim parenting editor for Lifehacker magazine, swears by this ploy. “I have an email folder labeled ‘gift ideas’,” she says. “When someone mentions something, I email it to myself and store it.”

You can also use a google doc, create an Amazon shopping list with many gift ideas (and buy them throughout the year when you have the money), use a note-taking app, or any other system that works for you and is easy. available all year round. (Editor’s note: Wunderlist is perfect for this as well.)

With any luck, your next holiday season will go smoothly and you will become the best gift giver in your family. Well worth the effort.


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