What Have You Most Regretted in Technology in 2018?

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to look back at all the tech-related entertainment we’ve had in the last 300+ days. Smile at the new improvements we have acquired! Juggle all the apps that we wasted time and money on! Not to mention some of those gadgets that cost decent money and seemed cool at the time, but are now gathering dust on the shelf!

I’m especially interested in the last two, as I bet we all have quite a few technical regrets this year, which could also include things like “didn’t delete my Facebook even though I thought about it a lot”, or “failed update SSD and hit myself for not having the last backup of my data. “

While I was grateful that I did not experience any catastrophic hardware issues this year, nor do I feel like I wasted money on disappointing freaky toys, I am a little sad that I am putting off – for the second year in a row – my grandiose plan for creating a portfolio of my work on my personal website.

I’ve also been listing on eBay for too long some old computer components – mostly my penultimate graphics card – that didn’t make as much money as they might otherwise have. Other annual events include the time I lost that pesky little adapter Apple gives you to connect your Apple Pencil to the Lightning cable. I kept it so well in the same safe place.

But enough about me. What do you regret the most in 2018? Let us know in the comments and I’ll post the best answers in the next post. I really love to celebrate the New Year with a good shiver – of course, in a good mood.


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