Today Is the Last Day to Eat the Leftovers From Thanksgiving

Leftovers, with rare exceptions, are stored in the refrigerator for four days. This means that if you have turkey, minced miso, squash , etc. , chill them in the refrigerator, then today is the time to polish them.

You can of course also freeze them; if you were smart, you would freeze individual portions when you cleaned out on Thursday afternoons. (I was not smart and now drank a pint of sauce for a quick drink.) Hopefully you put everything in the refrigerator shortly after lunch; two hours before cooking is the standard rule, but four hours is fine .

Some things last longer: Anything that contains sugar, like a pie or a can of cranberry sauce, will probably last longer. ( Details can be found on the site .) And in the next year or eat leftovers quickly, or invite more friends.


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